Woodstock Fire Department Truck 1250 views2017 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal 105'
Woodstock Fire Department Truck 1223 views2017 Spartan Gladiator / Smeal 105'
Woodland Beach Volunteer Fire Department Engine 2-145 views2014 Spartan ERV 1250/750/30F
White Plains FD Ladder 32336 views2012 Spartan/Smeal 105'
Westchester County DES Technical Rescue Team Rescue 7765 views2020 Spartan Gladiator/Hackney
Westchester County Department Of Emergency Services HazMat 1856 views2007 Spartan/Hackney
Delivered September 2007
First Line vehicle for the Westchester County DES HazMat team
Replaces a 1992 International/Summit
Universal City Fire Department Truck 1303 views2010 Spartan/Rosenbaeur Central States
Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department Rescue 630 views2011 Spartan/Hackney
Sykesville Freedom Fire District Fire Department Squad 1231 views2002 Spartan Gladiator/Hackney
Stiloskis Automotive Incident Support Unit360 views2001 Spartan/Rescue 1
Former Goldens Bridge NY FD Rescue 24, totaled in a firehouse fire
Stiloski's Auto Body & Truck Repair Incident Support Unit21 views2001 Spartan/Rescue 1
Former Goldens Bridge NY FD Rescue 24, totaled in a firehouse fire
Sterling Volunteer Fire Company Engine 624204 views2014 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal
450hp Cummins ISL9, Waterous 1500 GPM Pump, 750 Gallon Tank, 20 Gallons Class A Foam Tank
Sterling (VA) Volunteer Fire Company Engine 624190 views2014 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal
450hp Cummins ISL9, Waterous 1500 GPM Pump, 750 Gallon Tank, 20 Gallons Class A Foam Tank
Stafford County Fire & Rescue K-328 views2021 Spartan ERV 2000/2500
Stafford County Fire & Rescue Rescue 1418 viewsGarrisonville, Virginia
2022 Spartan Gladiator/SVI
Spartan-Gregory Lifesaver III Quadrescue 422 viewsSpartan-Gregory Lifesaver III Quadrescue
Smeal Fire Apparatus Demo72 views2020 Spartan Metro Star/Smeal 75'/1500/480/20F
Smeal Job # 218159
Sharpsburg Volunteer Fire Company Tanker 134 views2018 Spartan Gladiator/4 Guys 1250/3000
Sharpsburg Volunteer Fire Company Tanker 1167 views
2018 Spartan Gladiator/4 Guys 1250/3000
Round Rock TX Fire Department Engine 1414 views2008 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
Delivered 1-26-09
Round Rock TX FD Engine 7508 views2009 Spartan/Crimson
Round Rock Fire Department Engine 1354 views2008 Spartan MetroStar/Crimson
Round Rock Fire Department Engine 1341 views
Round Rock Fire Department Engine 1365 views2008 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
Round Rock FD NEW Engine 7384 views2008 Spartan/Crimson
Delivered 1-26-09
Round Rock FD Engine 1 Pump Panel316 views
Round Rock FD Engine 1 Lit Up For Morning Checks367 views2008 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
Round Rock FD Engine 1 Front Bumper323 views2008 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
Delivered 1-26-09
Rochester NY FD Rescue 11302 views2012 Spartan Metrostar/Rosenbaeur
Port Washington - Atlantic Hook and Ladder 8517218 views2016 Spartan ERV 93'
Port Chester NY FD Ladder 31168 views2007 Spartan/Smeal 100'
Pleasant Valley Community Fire Company Engine 6320 views2000 Spartan Gladiator 1500/1000
Plano Fire Department Truck 1451 views2010 Spartan/Smeal
Ossining NY FD Engine 97200 views2014 Spartan ERV
NYPD Bomb Squad 7092-15339 views2014 Spartan/LDV
Norwalk Fire Department Truck 231 views2005 Spartan Gladiator/Sutphen 100'
Norwalk FD Engine 1661 viewsDelivered September 2007
2007 Spartan/Marion
Red Paint Scheme is all new, previous apparatus is white with a red stripe, all new deliveries from this point forward will be in red
North Belmore Fire Department Rescue 65353 views2013 Spartan Gladiator/Spartan ERV
New Rochelle Fire Department Ladder 1261 views2013 Spartan ERV 103'
New Rochelle Fire Department Ladder 1228 views2013 Spartan ERV 103'
New Rochelle FD Engine 21951 views199? Spartan/RD Murray
Montrose VA FD Engine 225208 views2006 Spartan/Ferrara 1500/1000
Montrose VA FD Engine 225147 views2006 Spartan/Ferrara
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service Truck 73149 views2016 Spartan ERV 100' TDA
Hartsdale FD Engine 170180 views 2008 Spartan/4 Guys 2000/500
Quartered at Station 1 (South Central Ave)
Hartsdale Engine 170 And 2006 Spartan Gladiator Evolution Demo886 viewsHartsdale Engine 170 And 2006 Spartan Gladiator Evolution Demo, taken 11-15-06
Hartsdale Engine 170 alongside a Spartan Demo Circa 2006256 views
Harrisonburg Fire Department Tower 1247 views2013 Spartan ERV 100'
Hagerstown Fire Department Station 431 viewsEngine 4 - 2020 Spartan Metro Star/4 Guys 1500/500
Truck 4 - 2017 Pierce Arrow XT 100' Tiller
Fall 2020
Hagerstown Fire Department Reserve Engine 63 views2020 Spartan Metro Star/4 Guys
Hagerstown Fire Department Engine 478 views2020 Spartan Metro Star/4 Guys
Hagerstown Fire Department Engine 231 views2020 Spartan Metro Star/4 Guys
Hagerstown Fire Department Engine 233 views2020 Spartan Metro Star/4 Guys 1500/500
Grapevine Fire Department Engine 562421 viewsSpartan/Rosenbeaur (Central States)
Goldens Bridge Fire Department Tanker 189 views2014 Spartan Gladiator/4 Guys 750/2500
Goldens Bridge FD Rescue 24232 views2000 Spartan/Rescue 1
(Destroyed when a multiple alarm fire destroyed the Goldens Bridge Firehouse where it was housed)
Fort Worth Fire Department Quint 33728 views2009 Spartan/Smeal 105'/1500/500
Fort Worth Fire Department Quint 33633 views2010 Spartan/Smeal 105'/2000/500
Fort Worth Fire Department Engine 34474 views2010 Spartan/Rosenbaeur
Croton Falls Fire Department Rescue 2834 views2014 Spartan Metro Star/Gowans-Knight (Refurbished and remounted body from previous Rescue 28 1998 Simon-Duplex/Gowans-Knight)
Croton Falls FD Rescue 28212 views2014 Spartan/Gowans-Knight (Refurbished and remounted body from previous Rescue 28 1998 Simon-Duplex/Gowans-Knight)
Crimson Fire Appartus Aerial425 views2007 Spartan/Crimson with 100' Mid Mount Tower Ladder
City Of White Plains FD Ladder 32193 views201 Spartan/Smeal 105'
City Of Temple FD Rescue 3629 views2007 Spartan Gladiator Evolution/Crimson
Region 7 Hazmat Response Team
Quartered with Engine 3 @ Station 3
City Of Temple FD Engine 2402 viewsSpartan/Quality
City Of Temple FD Engine 2264 views2010 Spartan/Crimson
City Of Round Rock Fire Department Engine 7 at Station 1282 views2010 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
City Of Round Rock Fire Department Engine 7360 views2009 Spartan Metrostar/Crimson
City Of Round Rock FD Engine 7401 views2008 Spartan/Crimson
City Of Round Rock FD Engine 7538 views2008 Spartan/Crimson
City Of Newburgh FD Engine 4661 views2005 Spartan Gladiator/Gowans-Knight
Charlotte Fire Department Ladder 3366 views2005 Spartan/Smeal 105'2000/370/30F
Charlotte Fire Department Foam 2171 views2005 Spartan Gladiator (Ex-Engine 5)/Anchor Richey Custom Body
Carries 3 250 gallon foam totes and a transfer pump
Charlotte Fire Department Engine 3662 views2014 Spartan/Smeal 2000/500/30F
Dual ladder racks with one carrying a 40' ladder
Cedar Park FD Engine 3341 views2011 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal
2000/1000/50 Class A
Delivered March 2011
Cedar Park FD Engine 3223 views2011 Spartan Gladiator/Smeal
Cecil Fire Company (NJ) 29-54282 viewsSpartan/S&S 1500/3000
Capitol Heights Fire Department Engine 5297 views1989 Spartan/FMC 1500/500
Buchanan Fire Department Rescue 2642 views2010 Spartan Furion/EVI
Bryan FD Truck 1273 views2011 Spartan Gladiator Extreme Duty/Crimson
Capable of flowing 3000GPM at the tip with 1000 in the bucket
Baltimore City Fire Department Tower 4970 views2009 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 100'
Baltimore City Fire Department Rescue 142 views2002 Spartan Gladiator
Destroyed by Fire January 2019
Body was remounted onto a 2021 Seagrave Capitol
Austin Fire Department Ladder 91570 viewsSpare
Former Ladder 36
Austin Fire Department Ladder 36585 viewsSpartan/Quality/Aerial Innovations 100''
Austin FD Ladder 91357 viewsFilling in for Quint 1 while it is OOS for PM
Ardsley, NY FD Engine 165545 views1999 Spartan/Saulsbury
Ardsley Fire Department Engine 165510 views1998 Spartan Gladiator/Saulsbury Rescue Pumper
Ardsley Fire Department Engine 16544 views2015 Spartan ERV 1750/750/30F
Ardsley Fire Department Engine 16531 views1998 Spartan Gladiator/Saulsbury 1750/750
Ardsley Fire Department Engine 164191 views2015 Spartan Gladiator/Spartan ERV
1750GPM/750 Gallons
30 Class A Foam
15W Harrison PTO Generator/TNT Central Hydraulic System
Hurst Extrication Equipment and single core reels
Command Remote Control Light Tower
Copyright 2006-2024 by Seth Granville. All Rights Reserved
All photos on this web site were taken by and are the property of Seth Granville
Photos may not be used in any capacity without express written permission
To obtain permission to use a photo or have a question or comment, please email [email protected]